My product definitely solved the issue that we received around 12 weeks ago. However, the broadness that the problem was set around will lead to a lot of different solutions, some definitely better then others.
The PRIME cycle assisted me in my process by keeping me on track and allowing me to realise the workload that was ahead of me. I am very keen to understand the work that is required of me so that I can manage my time in the coming weeks. This way, I can utilize my spare time to benefit myself. PRIME allows me to plan ahead of time, and set deadlines for my work. The consequence if these deadlines are missed? Lack of free time.
Due to the freedom we were given in this unit, I was able to use my time well and get most of my assessment done in class. However, co-curricular activities restricted some of my time, and I was forced to use desperate measures to get all my work done. Nevertheless, I believe I have completed my blog to a high standard and hope that it passes all requirements with flying colours.
Nick Rahme: I believe Manan has developed all his work well, and that he has used his time as best he could.
Mum: I have had no issue with Manan's Technology blog, and he has had to do little of it at home, which means that he is actually doing some work in class!
Luke Read: Fabulous!
Jack Williams: While I dont spend time with Manan, I can see that he worked well and can come to the conclusion his work must be very good quality.
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